Classic Brow Lift
This technique requires a longer, but still aesthetically “friendly” incision along the hairline to achieve more powerful and longer-lasting results. This procedure is ideal for patients who want to raise their eyebrows while shortening their forehead, which is achieved by removing a strip of skin and underlying tissue along the hairline incision.
This procedure lifts everything from the hairline down to the eyebrows and can address eyebrow shape and asymmetry, making it perfect for patients with a high forehead. The scar from the incision, once healed, is virtually undetectable as the incision is made in such a way that hair follicles are preserved allowing for hair growth through the scar. Following the procedure, there will be some bruising and swelling. Patients usually return to their normal daily routine in 1-2 weeks.
Endoscopic Brow Lift
The Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift is very popular as it only requires five small incisions hidden in the hair and leaves no visible scar. This procedure can lift everything from the hairline to the eyebrows. It tightens and smoothes the entire forehead while lifting the eyebrow area which “opens up” the entire upper face. Eyebrow shape and asymmetry can be addressed with this type of lift.
This type of lift may not be ideal for someone with severe brow descent or heavy skin, and may not be as long-lasting a lift as the classic method. Following the procedure, there will be some bruising and swelling. Patients are usually comfortable returning to their normal routine activities in about one to two weeks.
A Coronal Brow Lift
This is a similar type of surgery, except the incision is made on the crown of the head further back in the hairline. Though this hides the incision well, it increases the height of the forehead which is usually not desired.
Direct Brow Lift
Sometimes called “Gull Wing” Lift or Mid-forehead Brow Lift, this approach requires removing a section of skin and underlying tissue above the eyebrows or in the forehead. It beautifully lifts a sagging brow while tightening and smoothing the forehead by pulling the skin and tissue of the forehead down rather than up.
This procedure also addresses eyebrow shape and asymmetry, with proper care being taken to position the incision along the eyebrows so that it is discreet and hidden in your skin’s natural creases. Patients will experience some bruising and swelling following the procedure. They are usually comfortable returning to their normal routine activities in about two weeks.
This procedure is best for a patient with a severe brow droop that already has significant forehead wrinkles that hide the incision. It is also preferred for patients with an extremely thin or balding hairline. Since it is a less invasive procedure, it can often be done under local anesthesia.
A Brow Lift will typically take a few hours to perform the procedure, depending on the techniques Dr. Papanicolaou uses and the degree of change you are looking to achieve.