What is EarWell Surgery?
Otoplasty (to pin back ears) can be done on young children. It is best to do it as your child’s ears are almost done developing, around four to six years old, but it can be done on teens and adults too. Otoplasty is an outpatient procedure, meaning that your child will be able to go home on the same day as surgery.
The EarWell® Infant Ear Correction System is the first and most advanced nonsurgical infant ear deformity molding device. A majority of baby ear deformities are the result of ear position while inside the uterus. It is not uncommon for newborns to have temporarily folded misshapen ears. The EarWell can be applied to a child’s ears within days after birth.
Treatment must be started by 3 months of age to ensure full correction. EarWell requires no anesthesia, sedation, or medication because it causes no pain. It is non-surgical and non-invasive.
Misshapen ears can be classified as a deformity (no missing tissue) or a true malformation (some degree of missing skin and/or cartilage). A majority of ear deformities are the result of ear position while inside the uterus. These deformities may include:
- Anotia
- Conchal crus
- Constricted ear, lop ear, and cup ear
- Cryptotia ear deformity
- Ear lidding deformity
- Microtia
- Protruding ear
- Stahl’s ear
These deformities can be complicated, especially if they’re not treated at an early age. Going beyond cosmetic, ear deformities can affect hearing loss, physical and emotional developmental delays, and other life-effecting side effects. Studies suggest that children with facial abnormalities – particularly ear deformities – suffer peer hazing, ridicule, and abuse, resulting in low self-esteem, anxiety, social isolation, and emotional withdrawal.
What are the Benefits of EarWell Surgery?
If you feel that your baby may have an ear deformity, we encourage you to contact Soma Plastic Surgery and schedule your consultation with Dr. Papanicolaou. It is important to get your children evaluated as soon as possible so the EarWell is effective, but we suggest before they’re three months old.
Our team wants to help your child live their best life, so even if they are “too old” for the EarWell